Basically no one who try to be the one soon.

Jumat, 04 April 2014


It started that I slept at 8. Woken up at 0.30. And couldn't go back to sleep. I ended up my physics book (I know it was kind of improvement). Go stalking everywhere. Then I suddenly realized I still owed this post. So, 3 am walked to downstairs to take this laptop. Kind of worth thing.

So, ternyata Kamis kemarin osk. Upset. Parah. I still can't believe that I am not into 'that' anymore. Suka mikir deh kenapa harus pas gua ya, ada aturan aturan yg 'shitty' gini. Dulu dulu aja ga pernah. Kenapa harus sekarang? Kenapa ga tahun depan? I've prepared a lot for this, too well, though. Dan no one from my school could replace my (used to be) place. Regenerasi gua gagal.

Hahaha. Yaudahlah. Allah harusnya punya rencana lain yg lebih baik. Mungkin gua disuruh belajar di rumah. Mungkin ya mungkin.

Uneventually, 2014 hasn't showns its good side to me yet. Bulan bulan begini banyak yg udah terjadi di 2013 tapi sekarang asa 2014 flat flat aja (despite I lost my phone). Atau itu sugesti. Atau emang kemarin udah klimaks dan sekarang I'm going to face the anticlimax? Thinking about that anticlimax-ness is such a nightmare. Seriously. Who wants to face failure?

Ternyata gua lolos pelatnas 2. Seru kok seru banget. Eh tapi boong deh seruan pelatnas 1 hahaha. I never thought that I would make it. Bahkan ternyata smoothly flown banget dari pelatnas 1 ke pelatnas 2.

Sekarang kita tinggal 15 orang plus 1 anak baru. Sedih juga. I've lost chance to meet the other 10 guys. Pelatnas lebih sepi tanpa kalian:").

Ternyata gua masih dapet banyak hal.baru di pelatnas 2. Gua dapet komunitas baru hahaha. Di mulai dari para jkt roommates kamar 1. Awalnya gua kita, I wouldn't make it. As usual, I wouldn't stand in my own room. So, I would just go out and spent most of my entire time outside my room. That was past. Then I turned to think that I judged them way too early. By the time they weren't like the past. Despite I spent most of my time only with them. We ate, watched, laughed, played, and went to everywhere together. A month full. And the climax was this : I got accepted to their line group!! hahahaha

Again I never thought that I would be accepted hahaha. And by joining that community. I realized that they treated me like more  human. Warmer and more friendly. Baru kali ini teman teman yg menyangkut hal osn sangat 'sebaya' gua. Hahaha biasanya entah gua berasa lebih kecil atau lebih tua dari sekeliling gua. Sekarang gua punya temen main! Hahaha

Ada lagi di sini gua berasa punya banyak 'kakak' baru hahaha. Bedanya sama pelatnas 1 di sana gua berasa punya banyak kakak kelas baru (however I could be rude dan sangat tengil disini). Dan di pelatnas 2 rasanya semuanya makin deket dan tentunya makin keliatan sifatnya. Since I was the youngest there, so I just, "omg, they're so old and tough and admirable." Makasih buat kalian kalian yg masih bales chat chat jam 11 malam sampai jam 2 pagi:")

Satu lagi.
Kemaren pas pelatnas kita mem-fudul orang orang. Lucu juga melihat what they used to hahaha. We through the same alay process guys! Dan ternyata kalian juga punya blog! Omg! I used to think that blog is so last year, so I didn't put much infos on this blog. Afterward, I felt like motivated again to fill up this one with the complete version. Yep.Welcome to the new face of my blog!

Bakal kangen kalian

Masih punya hutang susulan

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